Recently, my colleagues and I took all our students, all 80 of them, skiing. I was super pumped to go skiing with my kids! But before we even left there was drama. This trip was part of the phy. ed. curriculum and it is understood that all the students would go. My colleauges and I got word that there were many students that didn't want to go! Why, in God's name, wouldn't you want to go skiing?! I understand someone wouldn't like skiing, but you can still go and GET OUT OF SCHOOL! After reiterating several times that if you don't go, you stay for a regular school day, we still had six not go! Dumb dummyheads!
When we finally got to the hill, and I finally got all suited up, I ended up only going down the hill once! I went up, got word that one of the boys in my homeroom fell and was hurt, and I came down to help (I didn't fall that one time down, though!). I spent the rest of the trip with him in first aid or in the chalet. Needless to say, he came to school in a cast yesterday. At least that was the only accident with 80 12 year-olds on skis and snowboards.
Sidebar best quote of the day:
As my students leave, I hang out in the hall, chat with them as they pack up, and tell them "Byeee" as they leave. Today, I was talking to one of my quiet boys and he starts up this story about his cousin that adopted an orphaned deer and it now knocks its head on the door when it wants food. Listening to the story, another boy comes up and asks, "What happens if someone shoots the deer?" meaning how would the cousin feel? Without missing a beat, my quiet little boy turns to him and says, "It's dead." I laughed so hard I almost snorted!
Haha what a smart boy!